Thursday, October 20, 2011

About The Site (Purpose of This Site)

The purpose of Aaliyah&TLCAwesomeGraphics I've originally started graphic designing over 2 years now ever since June 25, 2009. I've started off mostly Aaliyah and over that last year I've grown to get adjusted to doing it not only for Aaliyah but for other artists as well each year and day I grow and expand my artistic vision as an graphic designer. I chose to share my work with other Aaliyah fans on facebook but it hit me this year why not show my work to all fans on facebook show it internationally to others fans of Aaliyah and TLC thats where the name came up "AaliyahTLCAwesomeGraphics" and we will continue to grow and grow based on the the positive feedback from their fans this is also in loving memory of TLC's own Lisa Left-Eye Lopes as well keeping a 10 year legacy growing for Aaliyah and a 20 year Legacy growing for TLC all four of these beautiful ladies are inspiration to many females and they continue to influence on me as a female i loveall four ladies equally and respecfully so there's enough room for to love them all at the same time and it is here at AaliyahTLCAwesomeGraphics <3 :]

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